The US Cellular Center is proud to host the AB Tech Community College Graduation Ceremonies on Saturday, May 12, 2018. Please visit AB Tech’s website for more information.
A-B Tech is dedicated to student and community success through:
To practice the highest levels of professionalism and performance in providing a quality education for our diverse community. We commit to superior personal, academic and professional standards as we strive for distinction in all aspects of our learning and work.
To foster a love of learning and to empower individuals to succeed in our local and global community. To be the #1 resource for college and career readiness, transfer education, enrichment, workforce development and life-long learning.
Supportive Environment
To create a safe, nurturing, appreciative, compassionate atmosphere of mutual respect and collaborative partnerships among all individuals.
To actively seek creative solutions and cutting edge initiatives that lead to best practices.
To embrace the diversity of cultures, ideas, wisdom and points of view that make people unique and adds quality to our lives and vitality to the college.
Continuous Improvement
To continually assess the effectiveness of our programs, services and processes to assure that we are doing our best every day and that over time our best gets better.