WE’RE BACK! Be sure to mark the date on your calender, Asheville’s biggest COMIC CONVENTION is returning in 2018. Asheville Comic Convention returns to the ExploreAsheville.com Arena on Saturday, November 10th from 11am to 7pm. Tickets are available through the USCC Box Office, online at Ticketmaster.com, and by phone at 800-745-3000. Visit comicenvy.com/ace2018 for more information and upcoming announcements, including Special Guests, Events, Pre and After Parties, Artists, Vendors and more!
We’re happy to be back…BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER!
If you would like to appear at the Asheville Comic Expo as a special guest, artist, or vendor please email us at comicenvystore@gmail.com or ashevillecomicexpo@gmail.com. Please also feel free to contact us through any of the social media accounts listed below. Click the links to the left to visit different information pages!