The commission meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 4 p.m., at the Civic Center (U.S. Cellular Center) in the Banquet Hall. The normal length of the meeting is two hours. More information HERE.
The Civic Center Commission consists of nine voting members; seven voting members shall be appointed by the City Council and two voting members shall be appointed by the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners. The term of office is three years. The Commission reviews and makes recommendations on programming goals and objectives; long-range plans; proposals for changes in the fees and charges; and encourages promotion of sports, recreation, entertainment, and cultural events and activities at the Civic Center.
Contact Information
Chairman: Corey Atkins – corey.atkins@gmail.com
For additional information please call (828) 259-5433.
Commission Members: Chris Bubenik, Greg Duff, Carol Ann Lydon, Max Queen, Wes Wright, Yvonne Cook-Riley, Corey Atkins, and Joe Greene
Staff Contact: Christopher Corl, CCorl@ashevillenc.gov