City of Asheville to Hold Workshop on Potential for Downtown Shuttle


Date:  August 3, 2016

City of Asheville | Communication & Public Engagement Division

Contact: Joey Robison, Communication Specialist | 828-232-4517 |


PRESS RELEASE: City of Asheville to hold workshop on potential for downtown shuttle

The City of Asheville is working with Nelson Nygaard Consulting Associates on a study to examine downtown parking conditions and identify strategies for improvement. One strategy to consider as part of this effort is the introduction of a circulator or shuttle system. A circulator or shuttle system is a short and frequent transit route that provides access to destinations that are just a bit too far to walk to. Circulator and shuttle routes have carefully chosen stops at centers of activity, memorable, frequent schedules, and a brand identity consistent with the areas they serve.

The City of Asheville’s 2009 Downtown Master Plan and 2016 Asheville in Motion Plan also recommend consideration of a downtown shuttle or circulator service.

This type of service could provide convenient and reliable connections to key destinations, including centers of employment and cultural activity, as well as connections to transit and parking. In addition to supporting a more walkable and accessible environment, the service could improve the proximity of downtown’s extremities and connect downtown to nearby neighborhoods. A circulator/shuttle could be an alternative to driving and parking in the downtown and other key commercial centers through direct connections to park-and-ride locations.

Representatives from Nelson Nygaard will facilitate an Aug. 17 public workshop to get feedback on interest and priorities to consider for this type of service. Possible routes, frequencies and vehicle types will be discussed.


Meeting details:

5:30 – 7 p.m. August 17 (doors open at 5 p.m.)

U.S. Cellular Center (87 Haywood Street)



For more information, contact City of Asheville Downtown Coordinator Dana Frankel at or 828-251-4051.

A copy of this press release is available on Asheville City Source,