Hiring Fair at the U.S. Cellular Center

Date:  August 16, 2016
City of Asheville | Civic Center and Economic Development
Contact: Chris Corl, General Manager | 828-259-5452 | CCorl@ashevillenc.gov


PRESS RELEASE: Hiring Fair at the U.S. Cellular Center

The U.S. Cellular Center (USCC) is hiring part-time, temporary/seasonal staff in multiple positions. The USCC is owned and operated by the City of Asheville, and provides a fast-paced, engaging environment perfect for experienced workers, as well as those just beginning in the field. Flexible hours, several entry level positions available. Wages for all vacancies begin at $12.50. The USCC hopes to hire up to 50 new staff members with starting dates as early as September 8, 2016. All USCC employees must be 18 or older.

The U.S. Cellular Center is the largest event venue in downtown Asheville, and contains the biggest arena in western North Carolina. The USCC has hosted thousands of events, including concerts, sporting events, trade shows, and corporate meetings and conventions. Reflecting the creativity, uniqueness, and artistry for which Asheville is known, the USCC is currently home to the Warren Haynes Christmas Jam, the Craft Fair of the Southern Highlands, the Asheville Symphony Orchestra, and the Southern Conference Basketball Tournament. Family-friendly, community-driven, and with an emphasis on entertainment excellence, the U.S. Cellular Center is constantly adding exciting events to the calendar, annually boasting more than 200 days of events a year and drawing 200,000-plus people annually.

Open positions:

A/V Technician
Banquet Server
Concession Stand Manager
Event Coordinator
Event Staff
Labor Crew Leader

Fair details:

2 – 7 p.m. August 30
U.S. Cellular Center
87 Haywood Street | Asheville, NC 28801


For more information, contact the U.S. Cellular Center General Manager Chris Corl at ccorl@ashevillenc.gov or 828-259-5452. Or visit www.USCellularCenterAsheville.com